Privacy Policy
Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL), the Privacy Act and Personal Information Protection
and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) govern the collection, use and disclosure of personal
information by public bodies in Canada and Alberta. Arena’s Commitment to Protecting the Privacy of Personal Information Arena is committed to respecting and protecting the confidentiality of any personal information that our customers and potential customers entrust with us. This Policy reflects that commitment.

What is Personal Information?
In an attempt to provide our customers with the best service, and to better our products &
services, Arena collects a variety of personal information from you. Examples of such personal information would be: contact information, including but not limited to mailing address, phone number, or email address, gender, age, family status, credit card number when you
purchase tickets, or various preferences and interests. While certain personal information is
stored in the system, after the completion of a ticket purchase the system is fully PCI compliant.
Collecting and Using Personal Information Arena is committed to collecting and using information only for the purpose for which it was gathered and only with the consent of the person whose information it belongs. Arena does not sell or rent your personal information to anyone.

Below are reasons in which Arena uses the information collected:

1. To create and maintain effective business relationships. Arena will collect basic information from its customers to confirm identity and related contact information and to ensure that customers have up to date information about the event for which they purchased tickets (show time changes, cancellations, venue changes, prohibited items at venue, etc) Additional personal information may be requested dependant upon the specific situation.

2. To further develop, enhance and market products and services. Arena may collect personal information regarding customer’s specific interests in concerts or events. This information may be used to develop new, or improve existing shows, products and services. Such information may also be used to help us better market and promote our events, products and services to interested customers.

3. To understand customer needs and preferences. Arena keeps some personal information for the purpose of providing personalized service. For example, if a customer wishes to receive information pertaining to a specific event or product, when there is information available pertaining to that issue, such information can be sent specifically to those customers. Personal information may be used for on-line communications with our customers in order to customize the look and scope of communication offered to that customer on-line.

4. To communicate with our customers or potential customers.
With consent, or as a result of an implied business relationship with the person whose
information is being used, Arena may send information to communicate to that person about upcoming events, promotions or products. Arena may communicate with its customers when a third party associated with Arena desires to communicate an offer of merit to Arena customers in light of the customers’ expressed interests.

Personal information will be retained, stored and disposed of in a manner which provides
maximum security against unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure, copying,
modification, disposal, or similar risks. Only authorized Arena personnel have access to this information. Personal information will be retained only so long as necessary to fulfill the uses stated above or as required by law.

Disclosing Personal Information
Situations where Arena may be required to disclose personal information about its customers are varied. Some examples include the following:

1. Arena may disclose personal information to a related company, or to a
contracted third party agent, for the purpose of providing services to customers or communicating with Arena’s database, for example, an outsourced mail-house. Such disclosure is done on a confidential basis, and Arena requires the third
party to which the information is disclosed to use that information only for the specific
purposes for which it was provided to them.

2. Arena may disclose information for the purpose of collecting on a debt
obligation owing.

3. Arena may disclose a customer’s personal information to a third party to
perform research on Arena’s behalf for the purpose of customer service and/or
business planning activities. Such disclosure is done on a confidential basis, and ENMAX
Centre requires the third party to which the information is disclosed to use that
information only for the specific purposes for which it was provided to them and for use
as approved by the customer.

4. Arena may disclose a customer’s personal information to a third party
associated with Arena such as a promoter and/or venue of an event that Arena is providing ticketing services to. Such disclosure is done only with
respect to those customers who consent to such disclosure or who have an implied business relationship with the promoter or venue by virtue of having purchased a ticket to that promoter or venue’s event. Such disclosure is done on a confidential basis and the promoter and/or venue is required to abide by the requirements of CASL regarding the customer’s personal information.

5. Arena is also obligated by statute, to disclose personal information where
required by law or for the purposes of law enforcement. Any disclosure of personal information by Arena is done in conformity with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Security Arena carries out its commitment to personal information security in several ways:

1. Arena will limit the collection, use and disclosure of personal information to
that which is reasonably required in order for Arena to carry on its business with that customer. Some of the specific purposes for which Arena will collect,
use and disclose personal information are set out in this Privacy Policy. Other instances of permitted collection, use and disclosure of personal information are set out in the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

2. Arena will ensure appropriate safeguards are in place to protect the personal information it has in its custody or control. This ranges from ensuring areas and
documents are only accessible by authorized personnel that act in conformity with the
VISITLETHBRIDGE.COM ARENA’s Privacy Policy and respect the privacy of the personal information
they are exposed to in the work place.

3. Arena will protect the confidential nature of personal information when dealing with other organizations and Arena will require them to meet the same
standard when dealing with personal information it has placed in their trust.

4. Arena will honour any reasonable requests made to review and update your
own personal information, and to remove your information from areas where its use is no longer approved by you. Arena will take reasonable steps to process these requests in a timely manner.

By your receipt of this Privacy Policy, Arena will assume, unless we hear from you otherwise, that you wish Arena to continue to collect, use and disclose your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Please note that you may withdraw or limit your consent to Arena’s collection, use or disclosure of your personal information at any time, subject to any legal or contractual restrictions. Arena will process and implement such requests within a reasonable time. Note, however, that such requests may limit Arena’s ability to provide you with the optimal level of communications or services.

Opting out of e-marketing
You can opt out of receiving our marketing emails. To stop receiving our promotional emails, click on the opt-out or unsubscribe link at the bottom of any electronic communication you receive from Arena or call us at 403-329-7328. Please Note - Even if you opt out of getting marketing messages, you will still receive transactional messages about your ticket purchase. Although usually instantaneous, it may take up to 10 business days to process your opt-out request.

Use of Cookies
This website uses web server logs as well as 'cookies' -simple data files that web browsers place
on your computer when sites are visited- to help track site interaction. Cookies measure the number of visits, which pages have been viewed, average amount of time spent on the website and other such statistics relating to use of our site. Third-party vendors, partners and advertising networks may be used to serve advertisements and they may place and access cookies on your browser for the purpose of delivering tailored advertisements and retargeting efforts. This information, by itself, does not reveal email address or who you are, and no personal information is stored within the server logs or the cookies. Cookies do not damage files and cannot read information from a user's hard drive. You may choose to reject cookies at any time. Please note certain features on our sites may not function if you do not accept cookies. We do not link any data collected to any personal information submitted online.

Ticket Terms and Conditions
For ticket delivery problems please call 403-329-7328 or email For venue questions contact the event venue. The holder of this Ticket agrees to all venue regulations and conditions of use. This ticket grants a revocable license to the holder, or their designate, for one time admission. Tickets are not redeemable for cash. Tickets are non-refundable, cannot be sold, and will not be replaced if expired, destroyed, lost or stolen. The original ticket purchaser is solely responsible to ensure that this ticket is not duplicated in any way. Please be aware that tickets obtained from sources other than Arena or the venue box office may be lost, stolen, or counterfeit, and if so, are void. Venue and Management reserve the right, without compensation or refund of any amount paid, to revoke tickets, refuse admission or eject, any person whose conduct management deems disorderly, who uses vulgar or abusive language or who fails to comply with policies or rules and regulations of the venue or Event Provider. Breach of terms or rules will terminate your license to attend the event without refund. Ticket holder assumes all risks and danger of, and releases Arena and their respective management, partners, agents or employees from any liability for personal injury, property loss or damage, whether occurring prior to, during or after visiting venue whether caused by negligence or otherwise. The holder of this ticket assumes all risks incident to attending the Event for which it was issued. Prohibited items brought in or attempted to be brought into the facility may be confiscated. Holder consents to a reasonable examination of his/her person and property to ensure compliance with the Rules. Holder further acknowledges and agrees that he/she will not transmit or aid in transmitting any description, account, picture or reproduction of the Event.