Security & Searches

Bag Searches 
If you are carrying a purse, large bag or backpack, please be advised that for the safety and security of our fans, the venue only allows small handbags or baby bags into the venue.  We advise you to leave your backpacks and large bags either at home or locked in the trunk of your vehicle. You should also be aware that all bags are subject to a search before you are allowed into the venue.

Pat Downs 
Some events may involve a full pat-down search.  Fans that refuse to submit to either a visual or pat-down search will be refused entry and will receive a refund on their ticket purchase.

*Guests found in possession of contraband items will be asked to remove items from the arena or dispose of them.  Guests who refuse to comply will be subject to ejection from the venue and Lethbridge Police Service will be contacted.