Code of Conduct

Fan courtesy is an important element at the venue.  We kindly request all guests be respectful of others around them.  Any guest who interferes with the enjoyment of another individual during an event is subject to eviction from the building. 

During performances, we ask all guests to remain seated for the duration of the performance or until an appropriate break occurs. Depending on the demographics of some events (such as concerts), standing may be accepted as normal protocol. During game play, please wait for the whistle before proceeding to your seats.

Unacceptable behaviors include, but are not limited to the following:

- Standing on chairs

- Drunk and disorderly conduct

- Fighting or challenging others to fight

- Exposing private body parts

- Interference with or delay of the game/event

- Violation of the local, provincial or federal laws and statutes

- Throwing, discharging or launching any liquid substance

- Willfully and maliciously disturbing another patron/employee with loud and unreasonable noise

- Using profanity and/or offensive words which may provoke a violent attack from others

- Use of abusive, profane or threatening language to staff