I am attending Lethbridge College/Student:

College parking is in effect Monday to Friday from 12:01 am to 4:00 pm

  • Day Rate - $5.00
  • Weekly Rate - $15.00
  • Monthly Rate - $35.00
  • Semester Rate - $115.00
    • Fall Semester: September to December (available to purchase August 29 to October 1)
    • Winter Semester: January to April (available to purchase December 28 to February 1)
  • No pass or permit will be issued upon purchase.
  • Parking enforcement at the VisitLethbridge.com Arena will use license plate recognition software to identify vehicles that are in violation and issue tickets.

Why are you making students pay now when they have always got free parking?

  • Students already have to pay for parking on the LC campus (and at the University of Lethbridge). The fee structure will be similar to campus in providing a daily, weekly, monthly, and semester rates.
  • The VisitLethbridge.com Arena parking lots have been used as an overflow area, and in other cases to avoid charges. Those students who can't afford parking would have the opportunity to use Lethbridge Transit, which may be a more affordable option.

How are you communicating this to Lethbridge College?

  • We have been in contact with the Communications Department at the Lethbridge College to ensure this information is shared with their students and is included in the new student package this fall. There will also be signage installed informing VisitLethbridge.com Arena parkers of this change.